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What Does the Word Diva Mean in the Bible


It amazes me to hear so many Christian women refer to themselves as Divas. Have you ever asked yourself what is the definition of a Diva? I found two definitions, continue reading and I'll elaborate.

  • Diva – (a) is a female deity the basic sense of the term is goddess. (b) in Italian the term is used to celebrate an extremely talented opera singer.

Looking at the first definition  (a) it states goddess, a goddess is a female god or deity a worshiped being, the word of God tells us to have no other gods before Him. We should be respected and loved but we are not to be seen as a god or goddess we are not to be worshiped by any living being only the one true living God is to be worshiped. contrary to the show "American Idol " we should  not present ourselves as Idols or allow others to do so, if we do we dishonor God.


The second part of  definition (b)  states – an extremely talented opera singer, most women I know that refer to themselves as Divas are not talented opera singers, the majority of the so called divas can't even sing! I know it sounds harsh but test the fact, how many women do you know that consider themselves divas and wear the diva t-shirt can actually sing on key ???

The Urban dictionary breaks it down completely:

  •  Diva –female version of a hustler, ( B—- word) a woman who must have her way exactly, or no way at all, often rude, belittles people, believes that everyone is beneath her, selfish, spoiled, overly dramatic.

Is This HOW YOU DEFINE YOURSELF ???? This is what the society we live in says about the Diva. If you are a Christian woman who is striving to be more like Jesus Christ, you should be offended if someone calls you a Diva.  Words have power, whatever you are contiImagenually called will eventually manifest in your life. If you label yourself a Diva then the Diva characteristics will soon come to pass. We wonder why our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, sisters are so vain and selfish and spoiled. One reason might be because we have labeled them as little Divas before they were even able to speak and now the seed we sowed into their lives is manifesting. Our words have power !!!!

We adopt everything the world uses and bring it into the Kingdom of God but there is no place for a Woman who  considers herself a Goddess, and wants to be worshiped, a woman who is rude, obnoxious, selfish, spoiled, overly dramatic etc. in the Kingdom of God. It almost sounds like the spirit of Jezebel (oops I won't open that book today)

We must examine ourselves when we have the desire to conform to the world. The word of God tells us, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Romans 12:2 . We are to display the fruit of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control (Galatians– 5:22-23) which is the opposite of the characteristics of a Diva.

I could go on but I will stop here, I know many of you may disagree so I would love to hear your opinion on this topic. Please leave your comments below.

My question to you is, Do You Present As A Diva ???


What Does the Word Diva Mean in the Bible
